Build Frank Armstrong Ideal Portfolio With ETFs

What is Frank Armstrong Ideal Portfolio?

Frank Armstrong’s Ideal Portfolio is exposed to 70% stocks and 30% bonds. It can be built with 7 ETFs.

Article contents

What is the historical return for Frank Armstrong’s Ideal portfolio?

Here is the historical return for Frank Armstrong’s Ideal portfolio.

Portfolio data was last updated on 11th of August 2023, 08:35 ET

NameYear to dateReturn in 202210 year returnCAGR since 1989 (%)Draw DownExpense ratioYield
Frank Armstrong Ideal Index Portfolio5.31-11.85.737.04-25.750.08%2.18
Performance for Frank Armstrong Ideal Portfolio

Here is what the table is showing you

Year to date: This shows what the portfolio has returned this year starting from the first trading day of the year.

10 Year return: This shows the compounded annualized growth rate over a ten-year period. The current year is excluded from calculations.

CAGR since 1989: This shows the compounded annualized growth rate since 1989. The current year is excluded from calculations.

Expense ratio: This shows the cost of holding the portfolio if you were to construct the portfolio using the proposed ETFs.

Yield: This is the expected dividend yield of the portfolio.

Please note that past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.

How does Frank Armstrong’s Ideal portfolio compare to the best portfolios?

Below you can see the returns of the best portfolios that we have benchmarked.

NameSee PortfolioYear to dateReturn in 202210 year returnCAGR since 1989 (%)Draw Down
Ben Stein RetirementComing soon!4.05-18.039.4610.8-35.42
Paul Merriman 4-Fund-PortfolioComing soon!9.22-11.9811.2510.38-35.26
S&P 500Coming soon!17.09-18.1912.5210.28-37.63
Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (25 year old)Coming soon!6.63-13.088.2810.2-36.46
Scott Adams Dilbert PortfolioComing soon!10.87-18.757.010.19-44.88
JL Collins, Simple Path To Wealth, Wealth Building PortfolioComing soon!16.6-19.5112.0810.19-37.0
American Institute of Individual Investors (AAII) PortfolioComing soon!3.74-13.919.710.16-40.85
Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (35 year old)Coming soon!6.57-13.228.3110.08-36.35 Portfolio 14Coming soon!6.95-16.947.599.99-37.91
Balanced Portfolio 90/10Coming soon!14.83-18.8711.039.84-32.78
The 10 Best Performing Portfolios That We Have Benchmarked

How do you build Frank Armstron’s Ideal portfolio?

Here is how you build Frank Armstrong’s Ideal portfolio with ETFs.

  • 9.25% US Large Cap Value (VTV)
  • 6.25% US Large Cap (VV)
  • 9.25% US Small Cap Value (VIOV)
  • 6.25% US Small Cap Growth (IJT)
  • 8.00% REITs (VNQ)
  • 31.00% International All-World ex-US (VEU)
  • 30.00% Short-Term Treasuries (VGSH)

The letters in brackets denote the stock symbol for the recommended ETF. You can look up the symbols at your stockbroker. You can see a listing of all the ETFs we recommend on this page.

Who Is Frank Armstrong?

Frank Armstrong III is an investment advisor and the author of The Informed Investor: A Hype-Free Guide to Constructing a Sound Financial Portfolio.

He is the CEO and founder of the advisory firm Investor Solutions.

Investor Solutions takes the fiduciary role very seriously.

Frank Armstrong has written several books, but the most famous one is The Informed Investor.

You can currently get his newest book for free on his website.

He has often written for Forbes.


Description of Frank Armstrong’s portfolio

Frank Armstrongpresents the Ideal Index Portfolio in his book The Informed Investor: A Hype-Free Guide to Constructing a Sound Financial Portfolio. Frank Armstrong’s portfolio is tilted towards small-cap and value stocks.

It is relatively conservative. It holds 30% in short-term treasuries, which are considered an ultra-safe and a very low-volatile asset class.

The portfolio may be ideal for some people, but for others, it may be too conservative. If you are in your twenties, for example, you want to be at least 90% invested in stocks and preferably 100% in stocks.

The Informed Investor: A Hype-Free Guide to Constructing a Sound Financial Portfolio

Where can I learn more about Frank Armstrong?

Be sure to check out Frank Armstrong’s business website, Investor Solutions.

Suggestions for your next steps

If you have already committed to a portfolio then maybe you need help maintaining the portfolio. In this case you will find our rebalance worksheet useful.

Rebalancing your portfolio lowers your risk and may provide higher returns in the long run. It is completely FREE.

You can find the rebalance worksheet in our article Here Is The Most Easy To Use Portfolio Rebalance Tool.