Socially Resposible Investment Portfolios
This page displays the socially responsible investment (ESG) portfolios that Portfolio Einstein track.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance
Go here to learn about socially responsible investing (hint: it provides higher returns)
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[table id=80 responsive=scroll /]- All returns are on a compound annual basis.
- Source data for all calculations is here.
- “STDEV” is the standard deviation. This measures how much the returns bounce around from year to year. A.K.A risk or volatility. Bonds typically don’t bounce around as much as stocks for example.
- Max drawdown is the largest decline the portfolio experienced in the years that we have tracked the portfolio. It does not include intrayear events. This means that the portfolio could have suffered a worse decline than the above shows.
- Market correlation describes how much the portfolio returns correlate with the S&P500.
- CAGR = Compound Annual Growth Rate. The compound annual growth rate isn’t a true return rate, but rather a representational figure. It is essentially a number that describes the rate at which an investment would have grown if it had grown the same rate every year and the profits were reinvested at the end of each year.
- Dividends are the expected dividend yield you will get holding the portfolio. It is calculated by mulitplying the dividiend yidled for each asset in the portfolio with the percetage of the portoflio holding. Then summing them up.
- Expense ratio is the expected expense ratio for holding the portfolio. Data is based on the expense ratio for the ETF on this page.
- ESG portfolios are benchmarked back to and including 2017.
- ESG ratio is the percent of the portfolio that consist of ESG ETFs.