Target Date Fund Portfolios Here are target date funds from 10 funds families and investment authorities along with performance and risk measurements. Which one is right for you? INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS Share this with friends you care about! This page details target-date fund portfolios. Here you will find asset allocation and Performance for all the target date fund portfolios that portfolioeinstein track.
Target-Date Fund Portfolios Article Contents
Target-Date Fund Portfolios What is a target-date fund (TDF)? Which target-date funds are tracked Here are the target date fund portfolios in detail Target-Date Portfolios Performance What is a target-date fund (TDF)? A target-date fund portfolio is a portfolio that adjusts the stocks/bond ratio as you get closer to retirement. In a one-fund solution, this happens automatically. You can get the one-fund solution from all of the reputable providers. The target-date funds are the funds that currently receives the most inflows. Around 30% of all fund inflows that Vanguard receives are directed towards their target-date funds.
If you are doing it yourself you need to do the rebalancing yourself. The data below will give you an indication of how well the target date funds from various providers have done in the past.
We are tracking target-date funds from 10 funds families and investment authorities.
Which target-date funds are tracked Target date fund families and target-date fund portfolios by investment authorities. So far we have data from target-date fund portfolios from the following fund families (target-date fund providers), and investment authorities:
Vanguard’s Target Retirement Funds Dimensional Fund Advisors Retirement Income Funds (DFA) TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Target Date Fund Charles Schwab Target Retirement Funds Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Fidelity Freedom Index, Target Date Funds Paul Merriman’s Target Date Retirement Funds Burton Malkiel Recommend Portfolios 7Twelve Portfolio by Craig Israelsen Goldman Sachs Target Date Funds Here are the target date fund portfolios in detail Target-Date Portfolios Performance Search: Name Asset class count Year to date Return in 2020 10 year return CAGR since 1989 (%) Risk level Expense ratio S&P 500 1 -13.23 18.29 16.52 11.28 3 0.03% Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (25 year old) 4 -10.09 3.19 11.85 10.99 3 0.26% Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (35 year old) 11 -10.26 3.66 11.87 10.88 3 0.24% Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (45 year old) 14 -10.14 4.55 11.24 10.41 3 0.20% Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (55 year old) 14 -9.41 5.61 9.63 9.47 2 0.15% Paul Merriman Target Date Portfolio (65 year old) 14 -7.86 6.03 7.06 8.14 1 0.10% Fidelity Freedom Index 2030 (55 year old) 6 -12.89 15.08 10.88 8.87 2 0.05% Fidelity Freedom Index 2040 (45 year old) 5 -13.82 16.68 12.48 9.29 3 0.06% Fidelity Freedom Index 2050 (35 year old) 5 -13.82 16.68 12.48 9.29 3 0.06% Fidelity Freedom Index 2060 (25 year old and younger) 5 -13.82 16.68 12.48 9.29 3 0.06% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Aggressive, 2060 16 -12.53 11.8 11.36 9.66 3 0.11% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Aggressive, 2050 16 -12.5 11.99 11.62 9.73 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Aggressive, 2040 18 -12.4 12.11 11.79 9.78 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Aggressive, 2030 18 -11.83 11.56 11.02 9.56 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Aggressive, Income 18 -8.78 8.89 7.57 8.23 2 0.09% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Moderate, 2060 16 -12.35 11.59 11.09 9.61 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Moderate, 2050 16 -12.31 11.74 11.28 9.65 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Moderate, 2040 18 -12.01 11.55 11.01 9.57 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Moderate, 2030 18 -10.97 10.39 9.39 9.01 2 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Moderate, Income 18 -7.91 7.94 6.28 7.66 1 0.09% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Conservative, 2060 16 -12.43 11.41 10.61 9.49 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Conservative, 2050 16 -12.24 11.37 10.53 9.45 3 0.10% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Conservative, 2040 18 -11.48 10.54 9.37 9.03 2 0.09% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Conservative, 2030 18 -10.12 9.09 7.36 8.21 1 0.09% Morningstar Lifetime Allocation Index Conservative, Income 18 -6.99 6.97 4.85 7.0 1 0.08% Burton Malkiel Portfolio, Mid-Twenties 8 -13.82 12.98 10.92 9.84 3 0.07% Burton Malkiel Portfolio, Late Thirties to Early Forties 8 -13.58 12.76 10.86 9.87 3 0.07% Burton Malkiel Portfolio, Mid-Fifties 8 -13.21 11.7 10.53 9.82 3 0.08% Burton Malkiel Portfolio, Late Sixties and Beyond 8 -12.06 9.98 9.84 9.49 2 0.08% Dimensional 2030 Target Date Retirement Income Fund 8 -9.65 11.54 8.48 8.32 2 0.05% Dimensional 2040 Target Date Retirement Income Fund 7 -13.26 14.72 11.3 9.06 3 0.05% Dimensional 2050 Target Date Retirement Income Fund 7 -14.26 16.05 12.64 9.55 3 0.05% Dimensional 2060 Target Date Retirement Income Fund 7 -14.26 16.05 12.64 9.55 3 0.05% 7-Twelve Portfolio Age Based 50-60 by Craig Israelsen 12 -5.28 6.64 5.68 7.15 2 0.15% 7-Twelve Portfolio Age Based 60-70 by Craig Israelsen 12 -3.95 5.08 4.42 6.12 1 0.15% 7-Twelve Portfolio Age Based 70 Plus by Craig Israelsen 12 -2.63 3.53 3.15 5.04 1 0.15% TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2030 6 -13.05 14.81 10.51 9.1 2 0.04% TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2040 4 -14.15 16.57 12.25 9.66 3 0.04% TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2050 4 -14.53 17.27 12.97 9.86 3 0.04% TIAA-CREF Lifecycle 2060 4 -14.67 17.52 13.21 9.93 3 0.04% TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Retirement Income 6 -10.21 11.14 7.15 7.76 1 0.04% Goldman Sachs Target Date 2055 Portfolio 13 -9.6 2.64 11.3 9.58 3 0.17% Goldman Sachs Target Date 2045 Portfolio 13 -9.55 2.57 11.25 9.56 3 0.17% Goldman Sachs Target Date 2035 Portfolio 15 -9.84 3.9 9.2 8.94 2 0.15% Goldman Sachs Target Date 2025 Portfolio 15 -10.29 5.34 7.94 8.51 2 0.13% Goldman Sachs Target Date Retirement Income Portfolio 9 -10.59 6.1 7.09 8.15 1 0.13% You can find extended data, such as risk measurements and additional return periods of the portfolios over here.
To see the asset allocation please go to the overview page and find the portfolio.
If you need a primer on what target-date funds are we have an article describing that: What Is The Best Target Date Fund?
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